Friday, November 10, 2006

Super-Success: Five More Traits

In my original articles about “Five Steps to Super-Success”, I outlined and described the essential traits of successful people. These included:

  • Passion for the job or work
  • Balance of work, family and other interests
  • High tech/low tech trade-offs
  • People powered
  • Reading and learning

A lot of readers and colleagues came to me with the question “is that it?” The answer is “no”! While these stand at the top of the list for success, there are other traits and attributes for success that deserve mention. While this article is not exhaustive, it does focus on the most essential of those other traits.


Those who are super-successful have a vision. They know where they are going. They may not know how to get there. And they may not achieve their goals the first time or even the second but they have a vision. What does that mean? It means they see something that may or may not be their now, they picture it in their minds in incredible detail and it powers their every action and decision daily. They are not satisfied until their vision is a reality. And by then, many of them have a new vision that they are moving toward daily. What is your vision?


Few super-successful people spend their lives on the couch or easy chair eating junk food and watching television. I have nothing against relaxing from time-to-time. In fact it is essential. But the fact is that most super- successful people have high energy levels. They are on the go constantly. Their energy is electric and positively affects those around them. They are not just busy. No. They have their vision and all the energy is channeled toward making that vision a reality. How is your energy level?


Regardless of your political views – the greatest Presidents, Generals and innovators were often the best communicators. You may not think this is important in the age of sound bites and mass public relations machines – but it is. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively – both by speaking and by writing have never been more important. Super-success comes to those who can communicate their vision effectively to all those they come in contact with, whether those people are doctors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, soccer moms, homeless or regular everyday working people. In the age of information clutter, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively has never been more important for success. How are your communications skills?


Reading and learning are important. But so is being inquisitive. The super-successful want to know about everything. They are like sponges. They need to know how things work and why – whether they are organizations, machines, medicines or processes. Inquisitiveness means asking lots of questions. And then digesting the answers and storing them away for future reference. Being inquisitive means not just learning about your job or your business but others jobs and other types of businesses. And the economy, and the law and government nd on, and on, and on. Inquisitiveness is its own reward. How inquisitive are you?


Many people have heard the overused phrase “laser beam focus”. Super-successful people may be inquisitive but they have the unique ability to focus. Whether it is on a problem, a question or options. They clear their minds and look at the issue with single-mindedness. It is something they can turn on at any time – on a plane, in the office, in the board room, sitting in a coffee shop or while talking with colleagues. Focus means being able to shut everything else out but those things pertinent to the matter at hand. Focus creates a clarity of thinking, of analysis and of decision-making that is necessary for super-success. How is your ability to focus?

While there may be some super-successful people who do not have a vision or energy or communication skills or inquisitiveness or focus – most have all of these skills. Anyone who wants not just success – but super-success should take time to evaluate their skills in each of these areas. Do not just look at yourself but talk to friends, family and business and professional associates. Some people are born with these traits but many others cultivate them. And you can too…on your way to super-success.

George F. Franks, III is the President and Founder of Franks Consulting Group - a Bethesda, Maryland management Consulting and Executive Coaching practice. He is a member of the International Coach Federation and the Institute of Management Consultants (USA). His web site is:
See his new E-zine on at:
George can be conacted at:

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